2.17.20 – Day 3 of 4-Day Wknd

Yesterday was The Great Thaw (one of many to come). Today it will be a balmy 46° or so. And I think the third day in a row that we’re seeing the sun 🌞. No going in to work today or tomorrow. Gotta take my car in for its second servicing and a software update. Our dog Roxy thinks she can climb trees to get at the taunting squirrels. Silly dog. So ferocious. Good times. Hope you’re all doing well and getting after it. Be good.

Watching The Irishman

Fell asleep early (just after 10) woke up early as hell (a little before 4) and couldn’t get back to sleep and eventually fired up Netflix to finally put on Scorsese’s The Irishman. One hour in and it is excellent filmmaking. The casting, acting, scripting, direction, cinematography, costuming, production . . . the whole nine. Easily The Godfather and Goodfellas of these modern times. #RuckFlix #MovieRuckus #CrimeFilmFetish

1.26.20 – What Is This?

Holy mother of . . . what is this great ball of fire in the sky? Is that . . . is that Sol, otherwise commonly known as The Sun . . . the solitary great star of our ever-expanding stellar system? Oh, this is glorious! I’ve been home for four days and this is the first I’ve seen of it since. What a wonderful discovery! I am the sunshine kid, so please forgive my exuberant response to such a momentous occasion 😉